02 Sep 2014

Stay in the know!

As we begin a new academic year, the Office of Marketing and Communications in conjunction with the Campus Police Department would like to emphasize the importance of advisories as a way to enhance the safety and well-being of our community by providing important information.

As a result, we will send via email—and text message, when warranted—campus safety advisories about a range of public safety matters such as proximate criminal activity, threats to public safety, and weather emergencies. The goal of the advisories is twofold: 1) to ensure that our community is fully aware of events taking place on and around our campus, and 2) to encourage people, based on these events, to modify their behaviors and patterns in ways that will ultimately enhance campus safety.

In case of emergencies when immediate action is required, you will receive timely RAVE alerts messages via email, text message and through our social media channels. If you have not registered to receive RAVE messages, please do so by clicking here.