20 Nov 2023

Statement Regarding Commissioner West’s Passing

With a heavy heart, we mourn the passing of Wake County Commissioner Dr. James West, a dedicated public servant, a passionate advocate for our university, and a cherished friend to many in our community. Dr. West’s sudden departure leaves a void in our hearts and the halls of leadership that will be deeply felt by all who knew and worked alongside him.

As the representative of Saint Augustine’s University’s district, Dr. West was committed to serving the broader community and being a staunch supporter of our institution. His unwavering advocacy for our students, faculty, and staff has impacted our campus and beyond. We will miss Commissioner West’s presence and steadfast support, and we are grateful for the guidance, wisdom, and vision he shared with us.

Dr. West’s dedication to public service, civil rights, and equality was exemplary. He was a beacon of hope, a champion for justice, and a tireless advocate for the underprivileged. His passing is a profound loss for Wake County and the entire state of North Carolina.

I also fondly remember Dr. West representing the County and providing inspiring remarks at my inauguration ceremony. His words resonated with all in attendance and highlighted his deep commitment to fostering positive change and progress within our community.

On behalf of the Saint Augustine’s University community, I extend our sincerest condolences to Dr. West’s family, friends, colleagues, and all those whose lives he touched. Our thoughts and prayers are with them during this difficult time of grieving and reflection.

As we honor Dr. James West’s legacy, let us rededicate ourselves to his fervently championed principles and values. Let us carry forward his spirit of service, advocacy, and inclusivity as we strive to build a brighter future for our community and uphold the ideals he holds dear.

Though we deeply mourn his passing, we are comforted by the knowledge that his impactful legacy will endure through the lives he touched, the causes he championed, and his lasting impact on our community.

We will fondly remember Dr. West’s dedication, generosity, and unwavering commitment to improving society. May his memory inspire us to continue his important work and honor his profound contributions to our community.

We stand in solidarity with all grieving Dr. James West’s death. We will continue to honor his legacy through our commitment to service and justice.


Dr. Christine Johnson McPhail

President, Saint Augustine’s University